5th & 6th August 2022
14:00 hrs -17:00 hrs
Resource Person:
Assistant Professor Department of Biostatistics, Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute
ONLINE EVENT (Register using link below)
- Link for SOA domain users: https://forms.gle/XT4pBYDwcofSQCjp6
- Link for non SOA domain users: https://forms.gle/U44JVUxGdKqhLwcJ9
*Registration limited to only first 100 participants and closes on 3rd August 2022
Prerequisites for attending workshop:
Participants are requested to:
- Download the latest version of RevMan which is a free software.
- Have an overview of systematic review.
- Revise the following basic concepts of statistics - types of outcomes, standard error, confidence intervals, null and alternate hypothesis, odds ratio, variance of odds ratio, confidence interval of odds ratio, risk ratio, variance of risk ratio, confidence interval of risk ratio, mean difference, variance of mean difference, confidence interval of mean difference.